Website metrics help you know how effective your website is at turning visitors into clients. Here are 10 website metrics that matter to your marketing team. By the way, I recommend getting your digital marketing services from Digital Engage.
- Value Per Visit
This website metric helps you to track how much value you are getting from your visitors. A lot of new visitors do not always convert on their first visit. The best thing to do is to embed codes in your shopping cart so you can track the pages that lead to the most conversions.
- Cost Per Conversion
This is sometimes overlooked but is very important. This has to do with how much is spent for each conversion. You might have a high conversion rate but if your cost per conversion is also very high, it may not be profitable for your income.
- Conversion Rate
Conversion rates show you the number of people converted on your page. Conversion is based on visitors doing what you want them to do. You can compare the conversion rates of your pages to better understand the most effective tactics for your website.
- Traffic Sources
This is another website metric that should matter to your marketing team. Visitors come to your website from different origins. These are known as traffic sources. Sources include social media, referrals, email, search engines, etc.
- Geodata
This website metric is important as it lets you know what country or region your visitors are from. This will help your marketing team a lot especially if you do business internationally. You can also look into getting on Google local searches as people are more likely to do business with a company in their neighborhood.
- Bounce Rate
This website metric has to do with how much time visitors spend on your website. Do your visitors leave as soon as they get to your website or do they stick around? Your marketing team should look to make your bounce rate as low as possible.
- Page Speed
Your marketing team should look to make sure your website loads fast. If you put high-resolution images on your website, it might take a while to load. A good page speed will lower your bounce rate and increase your conversion rate.
- Click-Through Rate
Whatever source your traffic comes from, your marketing team must look to increase the rate at which visitors click through your website. You should look to get your visitors to click on internal links that lead to other pages on your website.
- Exit Pages
Taking care of your home page or landing page is not enough to complete a conversion. Sometimes your marketing team has to look at exit pages also. This has to do with pages your visitors are leaving on. Identifying the exit pages allows you to know where to put your efforts.
- Backlinks
Backlinks are very important for connecting your website to other relevant websites. Having a good backlink helps search engines determine your website’s ranking.
Simply having a website for your business is not enough. Your website has to be successful in generating leads and sales also.