7ven Finance: Crowdfunding for the Construction of a Mega Solar Farm in Chad

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7ven Finance is laying the groundwork for an eco-sustainable future through its bold fundraising plan to build a Mega Solar Farm in Africa. This commitment is not just an unprecedented opportunity but an assumption that will revolutionize the global energy landscape, bringing real benefits to the ecosystem and its participants through the technologies of new finance on blockchain based on RWA.

What Solar Farms Are and Why They Are Essential

A Solar Farm consists of a structure composed of solar panels arranged over large expanses of land, designed to capture and transform solar energy into electricity. These solar installations are essential to reduce dependence on non-renewable energy sources. Operating sustainably, Solar Farms offer a reliable source of clean energy, contributing to reducing emissions and promoting energy security.

Technological Progress and the Effectiveness of Solar Farms

In recent times, technological improvements in renewable energy have made Solar Farms increasingly efficient and economically competitive. Thanks to ongoing advancements in solar panel design, materials used, and production methodologies, Solar Farms are now considered an attractive choice for the future of energy. Their efficiency has increased significantly, while installation costs have seen a sharp decrease, making Solar Farms increasingly advantageous and lucrative.

7ven Finance’s Roadmap for the Mega Solar Farm will be structured in multiple phases as listed below:

Pre-launch of Crowdfunding (Q3 – Q4 2024): During this phase, 7ven Finance will focus on project development and refinement, as well as building a solid base of stakeholders and the online community.

Official Crowdfunding Launch (Q4 2024): The crowdfunding campaign will be officially launched, with targeted promotion through online and offline channels, involving influencers and strategic partners to maximize visibility.

7ven Finance Marketplace (Q2 2025): 7ven Finance Marketplace will be launched, and procedures will be initiated to obtain the necessary permits from the Chad region for the construction of the Solar Farm. An intuitive and functional user interface will be created for the Marketplace, while the first steps of obtaining government permits will be taken.

Distribution of Proprietary Trading Software (Q3 2025): Advanced and user-friendly trading software reserved for the 7ven Finance community will be distributed. These tools will allow contributors to generate additional profits through professional instruments designed for various markets.

Beginning of Solar Farm Construction (Q2 2026): With permit approval and completion of previous phases, 7ven Finance will commence construction of the Solar Farm. This phase will mark the tangible beginning of the project, with constant monitoring to ensure adherence to timelines and maximum efficiency in infrastructure realization.

Stable Token IPO (Q3 2026): Regulatory and legal requirements for the Initial Public Offering (IPO) of 7ven Finance’s Stable Token will be completed. Crowdfunding contributors will receive the token, thus initiating the process of interest distribution and further consolidating community involvement in the initiative.

Development and Launch of Proprietary Exchange (Q4 2026): 7ven Finance’s Proprietary Exchange will be developed and optimized, integrating the token and initiating initial tests. Upon completion of the Beta Testing phase, the Exchange will be ready for official launch, offering users a secure and reliable environment for trading the proprietary token.

Completion and Activation of the Solar Farm (Q1 2027): After rigorous testing and commissioning, the Solar Farm will finally be completed and activated. With green energy production initiated and integration into the grid, 7ven Finance will make a tangible contribution to the transformation of the energy sector, promoting environmental sustainability and economic growth.
Beginning of Token Interest Distribution (Q2 2027): With the start of interest distribution to token holders, 7ven Finance will implement a Smart Contract for the calculation and distribution of daily interest to all stakeholders. Through blockchain technology, transparency will be ensured, guaranteeing the security and immutability of transactions.