8 Useful Tips for Better eCommerce Conversion Rate

Reading Time: 5 minutesEcommerce is an industry that nowadays strongly depends on visuals and social media. Also, social media is contributing to making the eCommerce easy and accessible for everyone.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes


Ecommerce is an industry that nowadays strongly depends on visuals and social media. Also, social media is contributing to making the eCommerce easy and accessible for everyone by getting involved with eCommerce with the help of visual commerce tools. 

What keeps people engaged with the eCommerce industry is its behavior that offers easy shoppability and customer friendliness.

As far as conversion rates are concerned, the more the eCommerce will become customer-friendly the more the conversion rates will be. Also, there are other factors that are capable of leveraging the eCommerce conversion rate.

Let us first understand why the conversion rate is so important that everyone in the industry is hustling day and night for it.

Why Ecommerce Conversion Is Important? 

Not only for the eCommerce industry, but conversion is a very basic target for any business or industry. 

As far as only the eCommerce industry is concerned, its conversion can be defined as the number of website visitors gets converted into customers. The more conversions, the more successful will be the eCommerce business. 

Currently, a 2 percent conversion rate is considered the best. Though a good eCommerce conversion rate will change every year and needs to be better than the previous one. 

Therefore, below you will find some of the conversion raising tips that are eCommerce led and will nourish your business for another level of success.

8 Tips to Increase eCommerce Conversion Rate

1. Target the Audience with Useful UGC

User-generated content is full of informational visuals that are either useful or sometimes irrelevant too. Quality content does not always mean for a high resolution visual, but something that can spread awareness or add valuable information regarding the purchase process can also be quality content.

Customers like to see regular updates and profitable information from their favorite brand before purchasing the product, thus the content must be time-saving for the customer.

The more the useful UGC you show your audience, the more will be the probability of conversions.

2. Add the Content Kings- Videos

Videos are considered to be the best visuals in all. People are more likely to convert after seeing a video about the product or service than images or any other visuals.

You can add videos for almost every stage of purchase-including product demonstration, preview and customer reviews. The more the videos, the more users would like to look into that product and engage with it.

3. Brainstorm Over Your Metrics Through Analytics 

Metrics are the mirror image of your performance and analytics are the medium that shows you that mirror.

To raise the conversion rates for your eCommerce business, you need to brainstorm over your metrics and take as much advantage as possible from your analytics tool.

Some visual commerce tools in the market are apt in collecting the metrics not only about your revenue figures but also for the user engagements and their sentiments.

Use such eCommerce friendly visual commerce tools, brainstorm over your pluses and minuses, and raise your conversion rate through it.

4. Connect With The Customers Through Live Chats

Customers appreciate the live chat option as it not only helps them in any confusion but also builds a sound impression in them for your brand or business.

Live chat option is a very influencing factor especially for enhancing user engagement and improving eCommerce conversion rates.

5. Shorten the Checkout Process

Checkout stage can be stated as the most crucial stage because the maximum number of bouncing users are found to be bounced back from this stage only. What could be the reason behind this? Either the checkout process has not worked well, or it is not as simple as it should be.

Usually, when the user finds the purchasing process lengthy and messy, it returns back. Therefore, the aim should be of simplifying the final stage so that the customer does not opt-out at least just a step before investing in your business.

You can rather deploy purchase buttons or CTAs or direct checkouts with one step for product information and then the payment step directly. 

6. Add Gratifying Testimonials to Attract New Customers

It is a human tendency that we don’t readily believe in the advertisements but rather trust a user’s written experience, which is not even incorrect to do so.

Testimonials can be a similar tonic for your eCommerce business especially for raising your conversion rates. Adding gratifying testimonials to your website can help your new customers to believe in you and let them invest in your venture.

Also, it will help you retain your bright customers who have invested not only their money but time as well to write for your business and their experience with it.

7. Mold Your Business Mobile-Friendly

If there is something that we carry for more than half of the day, it is a mobile phone. Some may not have desktops, tablets, laptops, but almost every third person in this world today has his personal mobile phone with internet connectivity in it.

Apparently, more than half of the online purchases are done through mobile phones. Therefore, your business website must be well-optimized for smartphones especially. 

Easier reach for the customer, the more will be the conversion probability for your business.

8. Add CTAs at Effective Places

CTAs or Call to action buttons act as a path to purchase for the customer. They somehow compel the user to get converted into a customer with their brisk looks and position.

CTAs have the potential to raise your eCommerce conversion rate but their position and the text written on them need some really effective brainstorming before its final deployment into your website.

You should add CTA buttons at a very noticeable place where users are most likely to stop and focus at. The text written on them would then work on turning them vulnerable to click on it.

Make sure the page targeted through a CTA and the text written on it must be relevant enough, or else it could result in an increase of bounce rate rather than the conversion rate.

Final words

The above tips are some of the very basic but most influential tips that can be either key players or can be vulnerable for your eCommerce business. They are easy to implement and only require some consciousness before implementation. 

One who has worked on them would surely find better results in eCommerce conversion rates. Thus, it is on you now to work on them to achieve new heights on your conversion vertical.