Author: aaron

Aaron Cure is the Principal Security Consultant at Cypress Data Defense and an instructor and contributing author for the Dev544 Secure Coding in .NET course. After 10 years in the U.S. Army, I decided to switch my focus to developing security tools and performing secure code reviews, penetration testing, static source code analysis, and security research.

Cyber Security

5 Biggest Cybersecurity Risks and How To Address Them

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Reading Time: < 1 minuteAs the new decade is upon us, so is a new cybersecurity threat landscape in which attackers leverage the latest technology to exploit businesses. Events of …

BusinessTech News

The Impact of a Data Breach on Businesses: Small Businesses Suffer the Most

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Reading Time: 2 minutesData breaches targeting massive organizations such as Facebook, Target, and Equifax grab the headlines, but the impact of data breaches is just as severe (if not …