Can You  Sponsor Your Family on a Work Permit Canada Holder?


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You are a work permit holder in Canada, and you bring your family to join you. Sponsor family members include different considerations. This guidance gives an overview of how you can invite your family members to Canada.

Overseas immigration India for a better future, career, and lifestyle. Famous destinations include the Kingdom,  Germany, Australia, Canada, the United States, New York, Schengen and the Middle east.

Immigrants work in sectors such as IT, medical, and engineering. The desire for higher wages drives their immigration. The money is sent back to our families and the Indian economy. The society of India abroad is extensive and assists in making good connections internationally.

Family sponsorship permits Canadian citizens and permanent residents to bring their family members to Canada. Although the India to Canada work permit cannot directly invite the family members for permanent residency, it can give their family temporary residency in Canada with the help of different visas and permit choices.

Sponsor Your Spouse

You can apply for your spouse or partner to permit them to work in Canada.

Sponsor Your Children

Your dependent kids in your application can attain the study permit visa or the Canada visitor visa.

Sponsor Your Relatives

Holders of work permits cannot invite other relatives, such as parents and siblings,  directly; they can sponsor the visitor visas.

3 Things Need to Sponsor, Your  Spouse

  • Give the   documents  like  marriage   certificate  and  proof  of  partner  relationship, and also share the   economic  accounts
  • Work permit should be valid for the time of your spouse’s application procedure.
  • Demonstrate the economic stability to help your spouse and partner without social support.

How The  Application Process For Spouses?

  • The application process for the spouse is that your partner can apply for a work permit, which will grant them the right to work in Canada for any manager. This can be done from inside or outside Canada.
  • Submit all the needed documents, including evidence of relationship, work permit, evidence of job, and financial statement.
  • Online submission is best, or you can visit the VAC. Ensure all application forms are filled out and valid and all necessary charges are paid.
  • The proceeding time depends, so applying before your wanted start date is essential.

3 Things Required for Sponsor  Children

  • Evidence of your  relationship with the kids
  • A reliable   work permit visa   for yourself
  • Evidence of enrollment: if your kid  is in the Canadian school  stage 

What is the Application Process for Children?

  • Children can apply for a study visa if they are school-going students.
  • Show all the birth certificates, evidence of work permit,  economic statement, and school enrollment.
  • Submit an online application, or  you can  visit  the application center
  • Proceeding time can be different, so apply in advance.


Being a work permit holder in Canada and sponsoring a family member involves different things to be noticed, like knowing all the particular requirements and proceeding time. Consider preparing documents and understanding the application process. You can bring your loved ones to Canada, making your experience more nourishing and supportive.