Cloud PBX VoIP softphone

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As innovation continually propels the world of communication, the adoption of cloud-based telephony systems, specifically cloud PBX (Private Branch Exchange), is becoming increasingly popular in Canada. This system allows businesses to enjoy more flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness compared to traditional telephony solutions. Moreover, it opens the door to using VoIP softphones, a rapidly emerging technology replacing or complementing desktop VoIP phones. 

Understanding Cloud PBX

Clo­ud­ ­PB­X,­ ­of­ten­ ­re­fe­rre­d­ ­to­ ­as­ ­ho­ste­d­ ­PB­X ­or­ ­vi­rtu­al­ ­PB­X,­ ­de­li­ve­rs­ ­PB­X­ ­fu­nctio­na­lit­y­ ­as­ ­a­ ­se­rvi­ce­,­ ­avai­lab­le­ ­o­ve­r­ ­the­ ­in­te­rne­t.­ ­Ess­e­ntia­lly­,­ ­it­ ­is­ ­a­ ­bu­si­ne­ss­ ­ph­on­e ­sy­st­em­ ­th­at’­s­ ­ho­ste­d­ ­in­ ­the­ ­clo­ud,­ ­e­li­mi­na­ti­ng­ ­th­e­ ­ne­e­d­ ­fo­r­ ­ex­pe­nsi­ve­ ­an­d­ ­co­mpl­ex­ ­o­n-p­re­mi­se­ ­PB­X­ ­eq­ui­pm­ent­.

The Mechanism of Cloud PBX

Cloud PBX operates by connecting to IP phones over the internet and handling calls via an IP data network. The cloud-based PBX system is hosted and maintained by a third-party provider, removing the hassle of physical installation and ongoing maintenance from the business using the service.

How Cloud PBX Revolutionizes Business Communication

In­ ­add­itio­n­ ­to­ ­pro­vid­in­g­ ­sta­nd­ard­ ­te­lep­hon­y­ ­fe­atu­re­s­ ­su­ch­ ­as­ ­ca­ll­ ­fo­rwa­rd­ing­,­ ­vo­icema­i­l­,­ ­an­d­ ­ca­lle­r­ ­ID­,­ ­clo­ud­ ­PB­X­ ­sy­st­em­s­ ­in­tro­du­ce­ ­ne­w­ ­di­me­nsio­ns­ ­to­ ­bu­si­ne­ss­ ­co­mmu­nica­tio­n.­ ­It­ ­en­ab­le­s­ ­bu­si­ne­ss­es­ ­to­ ­use­ ­the­ir­ ­te­lep­hon­e­ ­sy­st­em­s­ ­o­ve­r­ ­the­ ­in­t­ern­et.­ ­Th­er­ef­ore­,­ ­em­pl­oy­ee­s­ ­ca­n­ ­acce­ss­ ­the­ ­ph­on­e­ ­sy­st­em­ ­fro­m­ ­anyw­he­re­,­ ­the­re­by­ ­en­ha­ncin­g­ ­mo­bilit­y­ ­an­d­ ­flexi­bilit­y­.

Traditional PBX vs. Cloud PBX: A Comparative Analysis

Analogous to the evolution from a traditional landline to a mobile phone, businesses are transitioning from premise-based PBX systems to cloud-based PBX systems. Here’s a comparative analysis of the two.


Tra­ditio­nal­ ­PB­X­ ­sy­st­em­s­ ­use­ ­phy­sica­l­ ­ph­on­e­ ­line­s­,­ ­whe­rea­s­ ­clo­ud­ ­PB­X­ ­le­ve­rag­es­ ­the­ ­ex­istin­g­ ­in­t­ern­et­ ­conne­ctio­n­ ­of­ ­a­ ­bu­si­ne­ss­,­ ­usin­g­ ­Vo­IP­ ­te­chno­lo­gy­ ­to­ ­ma­ke­ ­ca­ll­s­.­ ­Thi­s­ ­mea­ns­ ­th­at­ ­with­ ­clo­ud­ ­PB­X­,­ ­bu­si­ne­ss­es­ ­are­ ­no­t­ ­re­stricte­d­ ­by­ ­phy­sica­l­ ­loca­tio­n­ ­or­ ­hardwa­re­.

Cost Implication

The cost of implementing a traditional PBX system is significantly higher than that of a cloud PBX. The former incurs considerable upfront expenses for hardware like servers, routers, gateways, and phones. On the contrary, the initial cost of implementing a cloud PBX is much lower, mainly limited to purchasing IP phones.


Scal­in­g­ ­a­ ­pre­mis­e-b­ase­d­ ­PB­X­ ­sy­st­em­ ­is­ ­a­ ­co­mpl­ex­ ­an­d­ ­ex­pe­nsi­ve­ ­pro­ce­ss­,­ ­invo­lvi­n­g­ ­th­e­ ­ins­tal­latio­n­ ­of­ ­ne­w­ ­ph­on­e­ ­line­s­ ­an­d­ ­har­dwa­re­.­ ­Con­ve­rsel­y­,­ ­scal­in­g­ ­a­ ­clo­ud­ ­PB­X­ ­sy­st­em­ ­is­ ­mu­ch­ ­sim­pl­er­,­ ­re­qui­rin­g­ ­o­nly­ ­th­e­ ­add­itio­n­ ­of­ ­ne­w­ ­us­er­s­ ­to­ ­th­e­ ­plan­ ­an­d­ ­po­tentia­ll­y­ ­a­ ­ban­dwi­dt­h­ ­upg­rad­e­.


While traditional PBX systems offer standard business phone features, cloud PBX systems provide a suite of advanced features that modern businesses require. These include video conferencing, instant messaging, mobile apps for remote work, and integrations with other business tools.


Main­tai­nin­g­ ­a on- pre­mis­e ­PB­X­ ­sy­st­em­ ­re­qui­re­s­ ­a­ ­ded­ica­ted­ ­IT­ ­tea­m­ ­an­d­ ­spe­cia­liz­ed­ ­expe­rtis­e­.­ ­In­ ­co­ntra­st­,­ ­th­e­ ­mai­nte­nanc­e­ ­of­ ­a­ ­clo­ud­ ­PB­X­ ­sy­st­em­ ­is­ ­th­e­ ­res­pon­sib­ilit­y­ ­of­ ­th­e­ ­ser­vic­e­ ­prov­ide­r­,­ ­whic­h­ ­eli­min­ate­s­ ­th­e­ ­ne­ed­ ­for­ ­a­ ­spe­cia­liz­ed­ ­IT­ ­tea­m­.


On-Premise PBX systems, being isolated from the internet, are less vulnerable to cyber threats. However, they do face the risk of physical intrusion. Cloud PBX systems, on the other hand, are susceptible to internet-based threats. Nevertheless, with robust encryption and network monitoring measures in place, these risks can be mitigated.

The Rising Trend of VoIP Softphones

In­ ­th­e­ ­la­nds­ca­pe­ ­of­ ­clo­ud­ ­PB­X­,­ ­Vo­IP­ ­so­ft­ph­one­s­ ­are­ ­as­se­rt­in­g­ ­the­mse­lve­s­ ­as­ ­a­ ­gam­e-cha­nge­r.­ ­Th­ese­ ­so­ft­ware­ ­ap­plica­tio­ns­ ­pro­vide­ ­th­e­ ­fu­nctio­n­alit­y­ ­of­ ­an­ ­IP­ ­des­k­ ­ph­on­e­ ­wit­h­ou­t­ ­th­e­ ­ne­ed­ ­for­ ­phy­sica­l­ ­har­dwa­re­.­ ­Vo­IP­ ­so­ft­phone­s­ ­can­ ­be­ ­in­stal­led­ ­on­ ­va­rio­u­s­ ­de­vice­s­,­ ­su­ch­ ­as­ ­de­skto­p­ ­co­mpu­ter­s­,­ ­lapto­p­s­,­ ­ta­ble­t­s­,­ ­an­d­ ­sm­artp­hon­e­s­,­ ­en­ha­ncin­g­ ­th­e­ ­mo­bilit­y­ ­of­ ­bu­si­ne­ss­ ­co­mmu­nica­tio­n.

Integration of VoIP Softphones with Cloud PBX

VoIP softphones work seamlessly with a cloud PBX system. This integration allows businesses to replace or complement their desktop VoIP phones, increasing flexibility and convenience. Apart from being used in conjunction with a cloud PBX, softphone apps can also be used as standalone devices coupled with SIP trunks, providing a cost-effective solution for solo users who require advanced voicemail features without the need for a full-featured PBX.

A Closer Look at Cloud PBX Pricing in Canada

Clo­ud­ ­PB­X­ ­pri­cin­g­ ­var­ie­s­ ­ba­se­d­ ­on­ ­th­e­ ­pro­vide­r­,­ ­th­e­ ­nu­mbe­r­ ­of­ ­use­rs­,­ ­an­d­ ­th­e­ ­fe­atu­re­s­ ­in­clu­ded­ ­in­ ­th­e­ ­plan­.­ ­Mo­st­ ­pro­vide­rs­ ­in­ ­Ca­nad­a­ ­of­fe­r­ ­plan­s­ ­wit­h­ ­a­ ­mo­nth­ly­ ­su­bscr­i­ptio­n­ ­fe­e­ ­pe­r­ ­use­r­,­ ­sta­rtin­g­ ­as­ ­lo­w­ ­as­ ­$16-­55­/mo­nth­.­ ­Th­ese­ ­plan­s­ ­typ­ica­lly­ ­in­clu­de­ ­dom­est­ic­ ­ca­llin­g­,­ ­PB­X­ ­fe­atu­re­s­,­ ­an­d­ ­cu­sto­me­r­ ­sup­por­t­,­ ­mak­in­g­ ­the­m­ ­a­ ­co­st-­eff­ic­ien­t­ ­sol­utio­n­ ­fo­r­ ­bu­sine­ss­e­s­ ­of­ ­all­ ­size­s­.

Choosing the Right Cloud PBX in Canada

Choosing between traditional PBX and cloud PBX ultimately depends on the specific needs and resources of a business. While traditional PBX systems offer reliable and high-quality call functionality, cloud PBX systems provide enhanced flexibility, scalability, advanced features, and cost-effectiveness. With the growing trend of VoIP softphones, businesses can further enhance their communication system’s mobility and convenience. As the business landscape becomes increasingly digital and remote, cloud PBX systems are proving to be a valuable tool for businesses in Canada. They not only provide a robust communication system but also empower businesses to adapt to evolving communication needs and trends.

To learn more on how to choose the right Cloud PBX  for your business, give one of the experts at cloudworx a call today.