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Have you ever wondered why caffeine is the most used psychoactive drug around the world? Oh, did it surprise you that caffeine is a drug? We don’t mean it the conventional drugs, but rather something that affects your body one way or another. 

Caffeine packs a lot of benefits and some drawbacks to its users. What is in the public domain is that it can burn fats and accelerate the pace of weight loss. It is no wonder that intermittent fasters go for coffee when breaking their fast.  

And research seems to be throwing its weight behind caffeine for weight loss. In fact, caffeine intake does not help with weight loss but also helps to manage the process for the best outcome. 

But the question in a lot of minds is: how does caffeine pills for weight loss work? How much is good? Are there any caveats? 

Keep reading and find answers to these questions. 

How Caffeine Pills Work

Caffeine generally tends to give your body some sort of energy and helps you stay alert. So does the caffeine supplement pills. They do help in weight loss, no doubt. 

Caffeine pills increase the metabolism in your body. It does help in the burning of calories, and you how much the body needs to stay in shape and healthy. But the pills may not be enough on their own to burn all calories, but at least they help in that direction. This is obviously a good thing.

On another front, the pills boost your energy levels, making you train and exercise longer, especially if they are taken just before the workout begins. It is not a secret that any weight loss journey would be incomplete without exercise. And no, it is not about spending half the day in the gym. That run or jog for a few miles after the pills could be all you require. 

It may be one thing that caffeine pills help you shed off those extra pounds, but it is a different ball game to stay in shape. Weight has a way to creep back if you are not on your guard. But there is some good news for you. These caffeine pills do not only help you lose weight but help you maintain healthy weight afterward. 

How much is Good Caffeine for Weight Loss?

It is now agreeable by all that caffeine, no matter its source, can help with weight loss. Now the mother of question comes, what is a good dose of caffeine pills? Sorry, this not a one-question one-answer scenario because we are all different. However, studies recommend 3mg of caffeine for every kg of bodyweight. You can, therefore, calculate the amount of caffeine in every pill and find the right caffeine dosage for your body. For most healthy adults, 400mg of caffeine daily is considered safe. 

Caffeine Pills Side Effects 

Caffeine pills may have the green light as a safe source and good for weight loss, but you cannot let your guard down. Safe use, as recommended by experts, is always your first line of defense to your health. That said, here are some of the side effects of caffeine pill;

·         Insomnia

·         Restlessness

·         Nausea 

·         Dizziness and headaches

There you have your answers. Caffeine pills will do a good whipping for weight loss, but you must stick to safe quantities. Also, be alert of some side effects.