What Does the Green Dot Mean on Snapchat? How It Works and How to Hide It

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Snapchat, known for its disappearing messages and fun filters, keeps adding features to improve user interaction. One such feature is the little green dot, many users are wondering what its purpose is.

If you’ve noticed a small green dot next to someone’s name or profile, you might be curious about what it means and how it affects your privacy. Reading this article, you will come to learn about everything related to the green dot on Snapchat, how it works, and if you can turn it off or not.

What Does the Green Dot Mean on Snapchat? 

The Snapchat green dot is an activity indicator that shows when a user is active on the app. It appears on a user’s profile and in the chatting section, so friends know when someone is on. This feature is similar to the status indicators on other social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, where a green dot indicates a person is using the app at the moment. Nevertheless, Snapchat’s version has its settings and limitations.

How Does the Green Dot Work?

It has been created to provide users with a bit of an indication as to when their friends are online. Here’s how it works:

Where It Appears: The green dot is visible when you tap on a friend’s Bitmoji or profile in your chat list. It does not appear directly on the chat list itself.

Green Dot: This means that the user has been active on Snapchat at the moment or recently. It means the user has opened and interacted with the app.

Is It in Real Time? Unlike some other apps, being green doesn’t necessarily mean that the user is looking at their phone right now. It only shows that they were active recently.

This feature was introduced on Snapchat in an attempt to simplify users’ online connectivity, but it also implies privacy concerns.

Can You Turn Off the Green Dot on Snapchat?

Yes! You can. If you don’t want others to see when you are active, disable the green dot through Snapchat’s privacy settings.

Here’s how you can turn off your activity status:

Green Dot on Snapchat
  • Launch Snapchat and tap your Bitmoji (the profile image) from the top left corner.
Green Dot on Snapchat
  • Go to the top-right and tap settings (gear icon).
Green Dot on Snapchat
  • Tap on “Activity Indicator” found below the scroll down.
Green Dot on Snapchat
  • Toggle off the “Show Activity Status” option.

Friends will stop seeing the green dot on your profile once you turn it off and your activity will be private. But there’s also the drawback of not being able to determine when others are online

Does the Green Dot Mean Someone Is Online Right Now?

Not exactly. While the green dot suggests recent activity, it doesn’t mean the person is currently staring at their screen or chatting. While Snapchat does not show an exact timestamp of when someone last used the app, the green dot does not necessarily indicate that they are active right now, it could just mean that they were a couple of minutes ago. Also, if you can see that someone has turned off their activity status, you don’t see the green dot on their profile even though they are using Snapchat at the time.


You can easily determine whether your friend has actively used Snapchat by the green dot. While it helps users connect in real time, some may find it intrusive. Fortunately, users can disable this feature if they would rather prefer to have more privacy. You can also disable the activity indicator in your settings, so others won’t know when you’re online.  Knowing how the feature works, whether you leave it on or turn it off can help you improve your privacy and social interactions on Snapchat.

Frequently asked Questions

Here are some questions related to What Does the Green Dot Mean on Snapchat?:

1. Can everyone see the green dot on my profile?

No, only the people who you follow or added back will be able to view the green dot on your profile. Your activity status will not be visible to strangers or to users you are not added to.

2. Is the green dot a signal that someone is messaging, watching or checking out my stories?

It only shows recent Snapchat activity. It doesn’t indicate that the person is chatting, viewing stories, or interacting with your content.

3. Is others’ activity status visible if I turn off mine?

Once you turn Activity Indicator off, you will not be able to see where the green dot is on anybody else’s profile, either. This is a two-way setting from Snapchat to ensure privacy.

4. How long does the green dot stay after someone has become active?

The app’s green dot doesn’t state how long something has been ‘recently viewed’ but usually fades away within a few minutes once someone stops using the app. It also does not have exact last active times.

5. Does Snapchat tell that someone that I’m checking their profile and am seeing their green dot?

No, Snapchat does not send notifications for viewed profiles or green dots. Users won’t know what you are doing unless you check their status.