Stairway to Safety (and Comfort): Is It Worth Getting Carpeting Your Staircase?


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Stairs are essential in every home, so there is a need to be more focused on them. The most common issues that can happen with stairs are the slippery floor, breakage, and creaky treads.

If you are facing one of the above issues and thinking, is it worth getting your staircase carpeted? Do not panic because this guide is designed to help you explore stair carpeting in detail to the point.

Benefits of Carpeted Stairs

Carpeting your staircase offers several undeniable benefits:

Safety First

Tiles and wood stairs have a higher risk of slipping and getting injured. But when you opt for stair carpeting, things will be different. The carpet will provide safety support for kids and adults because it covers all the hitting edges of the stairs and reduces the risk of slips.

Sound Dampening Superhero

The bane of multi-story living? Echoing footsteps. With the help of carpets, the sound of footsteps on stairs will be reduced, and no more clingy noises when you use the stairs.

Comfort Underfoot

Stairs are typically made of wood, marble, or tiles and might be difficult to feel. Most people endure weariness and pain as a result of this. Carpeting your stairs may provide you with the comfort and softness that infuses a calming quality into each stride.

Aesthetic Appeal

Forget about the old-style stairs having tiles and wood appearance. Try carpeting as it gives a new classic look with a touch of sophistication. Carpeting your staircase not only provides comfort for movement but also creates an aesthetic appeal for your home.

Considering the Downside

While carpeting boasts undeniable advantages, there are also some drawbacks to consider:

Maintenance Matters

There is a higher risk that carpets can trap dust, allergens, and pet dander. That is why there is a need to clean the staircase carpet regularly. You can also hire a cleaning partner or clean it with a vacuum daily.

Cleaning Challenges

Spills and accidents are inevitable on stairs which makes cleaning a staircase carpet more difficult.Depending on the spill’s severity, you might need unique cleaning solutions or professional carpet cleaning services.

Style Sacrifice

Carpeting them can hide this natural beauty. Consider a carpet runner instead of whole carpeting if you’re particularly fond of your staircase’s aesthetics.

Installation Investment

Professional carpet installation on stairs can be more expensive than carpeting a flat floor due to the intricate cuts and tacking involved.

Making the Decision As Per Your Needs

It is best to select the staircase carpeting according to your needs. The most common needs are:

  • You can select carpeting for your stairs if you have kids and older adults. This will protect them from falling and slipping.
  • In case, there is more movement on stairs in your home, voice issues are common. So, selecting carpets for coverage of your stairs is a wise choice.
  • Do you love to adorn and renovate your home with a classy or new look? Then, opting for carpeting can work for you.

Carpeting not only adds style and protection from slipping and falling, but it also covers your steps and decreases noise pollution.