The 4 benefits of an employee engagement revolution


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If the health of your company culture is on your radar, it’s simply not enough to task up a single administrator or two, organise the odd event or run that corrective strategy on the fly.  It requires careful planning, proven initiatives and a commitment to the yielding and maintenance of widespread strategies aimed at real results in both the short and long term.  But there is good news: you can start today by exploring the rapidly-evolving world and benefits of today’s best employee engagement software offerings.

Defining employee engagement is the easy part: it’s simply the sum of your team’s individual and collective levels of motivation, passion, emotional connection and personal investment in achieving the best possible outcomes for overall company success.  And as labour markets get tighter and tighter, business pressures get higher and higher and turnovers continue to be squeezed, there is just as easy an answer as to how to best tackle those challenges in a future-looking way: purpose-built employee engagement software.

Yes, we know you’ve already invested a lot in software, making it always a tricky thing to implement yet another on the promise of widespread benefits over your more traditional employee engagement strategies.  Here, then, is a succinct summary of why employee engagement software really is the real deal:

1. More than online chat

Some may argue that employee engagement software is little more than a chat portal for your employees.  Dismissing it like that robs your team of the ability to easily react to one another’s inputs, solve problems, check in with management, give and receive feedback, and address client concerns instantly – and all within a single, cohesive, overarching infrastructure.

2. Give employees a real voice

The Holy Grail of any operational team is that everyone is always on the same page.  That’s why a key feature of any good employee engagement software product opens up a world of surveys, feedback, support and training mechanisms.  A voice is one thing, but truly feeling heard and valued is quite another.

3. Demystify ‘onboarding’

It’s always a challenge for any team – integrating ‘the new guy’.  It’s not just that they have so much to learn, there are the layers of pressure on top of that, including the overwhelming feeling that the acclimatisation may be so long that it is demoralising from the beginning.  A playing field-levelling digital employee engagement strategy can be the difference between early employee doubts and the quick realisation that they do in fact belong.

4. Keep top talent

It’s rarely the quality of the coffee or the weekend pay bonuses that keep great employees at a company.  Rather, it’s that often elusive search for an equally great team that recognises the need for performance recognition, the nurturing of relationships, and the pathways between their own contributions and the business’ key goals. 

By providing an open, appealing, centralised connection point, your best employees will have the tools to find their lasting place as a productive member of your team.

No matter how your team is scattered, and what their roles, shifts and hours may be, the right employee engagement software will put you on the fast-track to your organisation’s goals.  Choose wisely and fast-forward to the future with the perfect product selection for your particular brand and workforce.