Reading Time: 5minutesHello, I am Wall E, how are you doing? Did you miss me? Yeah yeah I missed you all! You must be wondering why I am here today? Well I am here to introduce you to some of my really close friends. These champs are from artificial intelligence. Wait! Do you know as what does artificial intelligence means? So let me tell you that;
Do you think you work intelligently? Meet us!
We are the gadgets who possess artificial intelligence! Means we are machines but we work like humans! Or we can say better than humans! Want to see how? So let us introduce ourselves.
1.Don’t want to go to the doctor? Ok let me help you!
Hola! My name is Mr. RaDoTech! It’s Nice to meet you all. Are you’re tired of visiting doctors again and again? Are your kids are afraid of scanning and needles. Well I have a solution for that through my intelligent technology, you just have to put me on your body, I will measure the electrical current of your body by scanning the organ and will send clinical approved test straight to your smartphones. TADA! No more visits to laboratories and you get your health scanning done.
2. Do you understand Chinese? No? Well I am here to help you!
When one visits any other region of the world, too much language difference make one confused as whether how to communicate with people. As people doesn’t know how to be professional essay writers when they are unable to communicate with people. So here I am solution to all their problems! Hi! My name is One Mini I am able to translate any language in your own language which makes your work hustle free and great.
3. Are you Fitness Freak? Let’s get engaged!
Watches had been old school! Why don’t you get engaged with Motiv Ring? This new gadget helps you to have balance between your workouts and sleep matrices. It gives you exact accuracy of your heart beat rate, calories and activities. It has biometric authentication WALKID which saves your data within it and saves the ring from theft.
4. Hello Mr. X-Box lover? Eager to meet you soon!
Who doesn’t love to play X-Box to win over the game? So why don’t you meet me I am Razer Turret. I am designed for X-Box players; my wireless style has flexibility and responsive feel and sharp mouse techniques make it worthwhile to play X-Box on couch.
5. Feeling sick? Let’s check your metabolism!
The feeling of getting sick is as awful as one has to take so many medicines and visit doctors but what if we have already taken precaution? What if we save our time and health with a smart gadget? So do you want to know about me? I have been vastly mentioned by British essay writers because of my uniqueness. I am Lumen Metabolism. I organize the nutritional health of my owner. I make daily meal plans of my owner to guide him about his health. Some quick tips are shared by me so that my owner keeps his track record of his nutritional activities.
6. Having a back pain? Well let me give you a Hoodie!
You must be wondering as what is connection between a hoodie and back pain. Doesn’t sound so, but it has! I am one of the innovative garments of the era. My name is Comfi Hoodie. my three main features are memory foam which allow you to have relaxed muscles. The support system inside me supports your back on train, plane or desk. So what are you waiting for? just grab me!
7. Huh! Are there Too Many Wires at home? Let’s get rid of them!
Today is the era of smart devices so why we should have too many wiring connected to our appliances? It makes lots of trouble to shift one appliance from one place to another. So introducing the era of Smart Home Appliances where one can shift the appliances with ease and can work from any place of house So no more wires no more sockets needed! No more mess.
8. Remember BayMax? We have another friend like him!
Hey I am Tapia AI Robot! I sense the mood swings of my user and calm them up. I play music videos, news and weather forecast to entertain and give information to my user. I evaluate voice pitch, sound and speed to make my suggestion to the user. I make sure my user is well entertained and assisted when needed.
9. Does your child have any disability? I am always with them!
There are sadly number of children who has autism and other communication disabilities. They shy from communication with other people. So, meet me Leka Smart Toy. I allow them to play and interact with other kids through play and fun. Controlled by Wi-Fi and Bluetooth you can have access on my colors movements and voice!
10. It’s the Era of Robotics!
Tired of working hard alone with no company at all? Here is the solution. Meet me I am Kuri! I am an artificial intelligent robot. I will look after your mood swings, take pictures and videos with you and entertain you with my conversation. You are no longer alone at home now I will be your company!
Great! I hope you have met all my new friends. Today the world is changing with rapid speed, in this rapid change you need to have good grab on technology and intelligence and we are providing you both! With us you won’t have a boring day. We will always be there for your help and entertainment. In fact the coming era of 2020 is more fun to be around as it is filled with so many friends of mine who will eliminate human effort and make ease for humans.
I hope you enjoyed the journey. I will meet you next time till then Bubye!
Amit Gupta is an experienced digital marketer, expert writer, and founder of Tech Magazine. With 5+ years in the industry, he specializes in creating in-depth content on Technology Updates, IoT, Gaming, Gadget, Web Development, and Artificial Intelligence. Connect on Facebook and Linkedin.