Top Innovative Techniques Used for Maximizing Yields With Feminized Seeds


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If you’re a farmer, you’ll know how important the concept of yield is since most plants in the world require months of effort and a lot of investment of your time and money to grow, and the yield is the only thing that ensures you get a return on your money and your effort. In the case of a plant like cannabis, a lot of modifications and techniques have been used, specifically using feminized seeds, to ensure this yield is as high as possible.

1-    High-stress training

High-stress training refers to practices that ensure you’re getting as much yield and crop as possible for the seeds you currently have, and this takes a few different forms. In one technique, called topping, farmers cut off the main stem of a plant to induce multiple colas to begin to form, which will eventually result in more bud sites and, hence, more growth.

In another, the stem is slightly cut to get a similar result, or it’s damaged slightly to get more lateral growth, all of which will help you get a significantly higher yield. These practices are often risky, though, so they need a deft hand and a lot of expertise, but if you’re able to pull them off, you’ll see the benefits immediately.

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2-    Low-stress training

Low-stress training, as the name suggests, refers to some practices and techniques you could use to gently encourage your plants to grow, mainly by providing more light to each bud and level of the plant. There are a few different ways of achieving this, including by bending the stems and trying them together to provide a more even top layer of the buds so that light hits all of them directly, which will encourage further growth.

You could also use a screen or a net to fan out the branches of each plant horizontally, which will help your plants get more light, too. The end result of all this is healthier plants that have a lower risk of dying.

3-    Nutrient management

Managing the nutrients you’re using is another crucial part of growing cannabis, which is why a lot of tricks and techniques have been developed to help farmers with this particular task. The main thing you’ll need to do is educate yourself about the life and growth cycle of cannabis and how much nutrition the plant needs at each stage and add that information to a growth chart. This will help you stay organized on a weekly basis, and you’ll be able to provide the bulk of your nutrition at the perfect time to help your plants grow.

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4-    Getting the right conditions

Like all plants, cannabis has optimum environmental factors for growth, including a desirable humidity level, plenty of oxygen, and ways to filter out CO2 from the surrounding area, especially if you’re growing the plant in an enclosed space. You can use climate control tools for this task, including a system for ventilation to circulate air and humidifiers or dehumidifiers, depending on your local climate and how suitable they are for growing plants. In addition, having indoor LED lights helps a lot when you’re trying to provide consistent lighting and even growth.

5-    Pest management

Managing pests is a vital consideration to make when you’re growing any kind of plant, but especially in the case of cannabis cultivation. While chemical pesticides are a great and cheap option, they often decrease output and the quality of the cannabis you’re able to get. If you have the funds, getting beneficial insects is a great alternative since these insects will keep out the pests you’re trying to get rid of, allowing you to keep your plants safe without compromising their security or quality.


The techniques used in recreating seeds, modifying them, and making them as suitable as possible for farming and other activities are integral because it’s only with these modifications that you’ll be able to see the incredible yield of crop that you’re expecting or even hoping for to keep your business running. The feminized seeds offered by plants like cannabis have quickly become revolutionary, with countless people all over the world using them.

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