While reading a Jack Reacher novel recently, I noticed how often he would answer with silence in a conversation. It was a powerful speech. In the silence that followed the question, the other person would often offer more information or get the answer they needed – Silence is the best response.
Silence comes naturally to some people. There are some fortunate people who understand the power of silence, and they feel comfortable in it. Quite a few of us need to learn how to practice being silent. For more reasons to try silence in your daily communications, read on.
Silence Is The Best Revenge!

1. The power of silence is that it gets people’s attention:
If you have ever been in a classroom or a group situation, you have probably noticed how silence often gets everyone’s attention. A teacher or presenter talking away might cause listeners’ minds to wander. The brain receives a signal when the speaker stops talking. Suddenly, you pay attention to try and figure out why communication stopped. Our daily conversations are no different. When we are silent, people take notes and pay attention to us.
2. The Obvious Solution Is Silence:

When we communicate, we sometimes say too much. Explanations are overdone. Silence often contains an answer to a question. Silence can also soften the blow of a negative response. No harsh words or too many words are used in the implied “no.” Another example is when someone says something we disagree with or find offensive. Silence conveys a powerful message that we do not agree with or support.
More on Silence Is An Answer,
3. Nonverbal Communication Is Used Through Silence:
The nonverbal language we use is often more powerful than the verbal language we use.
We should realize, however, that our nonverbal communication – our facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, posture, and tone of voice – is what speaks loudest. Understanding and using nonverbal communication, or body language, can help you connect with others, express what you mean, and build better relationships.”
4. Empathy Is Offered By Silence:
Sometimes in life, It is possible to show someone suffering that we care and are there for them without using many words. Silence can be a source of empathy and understanding for others. We can show them that we care and we are there for them without using a lot of words. For them, our calming silence can be comforting.
5. The Polite Thing To Do Is To Remain Silent:
Our society is constantly bombarded with noise and messages. The constant chatter of people around us comes from radio broadcasts, news channels, and music in elevators, stores, and most businesses. Often, we believe we don’t have enough time to communicate what we need to communicate. There are so many other sources of noise around us. Talking usually feels like cramming every thought into a short period of time. When we remain silent, we give others a chance to speak. By showing them that they are significant, we make them feel that way.
As a result, we can be effective communicators by utilizing our ability to be silent. Silence has enormous strength. It’s just a matter of practicing more. Practice makes it better, and silence is golden, as the old saying says.